

I Wear High Heels

Always felt good to take the animals with extinction. This New Year's Eve, I can become one of them ... Well, at least try to walk as one. Tunja, and I always make fun of them are looking for young fashionable women, who use them for high-high boots. Sometimes they seem a little gazelles valuable than the streets. Well, okay, maybe gazelles are not exactly endangered, but it certainly seems useful. So, guess what? I bought the shoes Mile High red fire engine! I also walk like a gazelle, like high fashion girls Skinny (Well, I do not soskinny). I try not to fall flat on my face and breaking his neck. Please note, the balancing act is a bit 'out because I do not need to be able to play my bass, and stand in those shoes at the same time! All watching the re-recorded version of Scott? Scottie Pippen (Scottie Pippen retro) and the hybrid market in the heat at the same time, do not forget one of their top-level veterans. Pippen series of Nike Air Flight Light, etc.

sexy girl 
to replay a shoe fashion public splendor of War NBA level, while the light Nike Air Flight is an exciting modern version of the Nike shoes Fly High Auto Gao Gang Wars of the author. As a series Innovative remedy, theft Auto ardent opponent this time next summer, brings three new pairs of onset of shock. Three pairs of shoes worth Xijinqianhua, back to the masterpiece of simplicity Innocence is stuck on, and a little decoration in a different color, respectively, were olive green / fluorescent green, blue / orange shoes black dress / blue color.women the

1 comment:

  1. I am the owner of the copyright of the image above.

    You are liable for copyright violation!

    Please remove the pictures of the girl with the high heels as I did not give permission for you to use it.

    Ken Jones

